Livestock Production and Management
The Department of Animal Management was established in 1972 along with College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Parbhani. The department is actively engaged in Red Kandhari Research and Instructional Farm of the college. From 1975 onwards the departmental activity took off with the establishment of nucleus herd of Red Kandhari cows by purchasing 18 Red Kandhari cows from Kandhar taluka, the home tract of Red Kandhari cattle. The different characters and economic important traits of Red Kandhari were studied in the department and also selective breeding was carried out to improve the performance. The department of Animal Management has consistently pursued the matter with ICAR along with staff of Zilha Parishad, Nanded for getting recognition to the Red Kandhari breed. The ICAR gave recognition to this breed in the year 1989 vide letter No. 56-2/89/LDT dated 17/10/1989 issued by Joint Commissioner of Livestock Production, Agriculture & Co-operation, Govt. of India, Krishi Bhavan Delhi. The department has lion’s share in getting recognition for Red Kandhari breed. Today the department is having large number of Red Kandhari cattle. The Red Kandhari bulls are kept on farm for providing the natural service to the local cattle in surrounding areas.
The Poultry unit was established in 1975 in small cages of 30 birds capacity and thereafter 10 such cages were erected. In 1980 large shed as brooder house was constructed. In 1990 the California cage system type shed with 600 capacity was constructed for rearing layer bird. The pig unit was established in 1977 by bringing large white Yorkshire breed from England. At the same time horse unit, sheep unit and later on Osmanabadi goat unit was established. The department is also having a large farm. The total land holding of department is 54.5 ha out of which the land under cultivation is 35.6 ha and remaining land is used for grazing livestock. In 1996, the nomenclature of the department was change to Livestock Production and Management as per VCI norms. Presently this farm is having Red Kandhari, Marathwadi buffalo, Osmanabadi goat and Deccani sheep units. Department is carrying various studies related to their management and production aspects on these animals. In 1992, the feed mixing plant was commenced with erection of machinery to meet the feed requirements of different categories of animal and also feed was supplied to the different institutes under Marathwada Agricultural University. The major construction of different shed / building took place in the year 1977. The LPM department is actively engaged in UG and PG teaching. The P.G. courses were started in the year 1980 and up till now 57 students have completed their research on various aspect of Livestock Production and Management. The department was offering Ph.D course by research only and uptill now two students have completed their Ph.D. The concerted efforts and the grit and determination of the following staff members cannot be ignored. It is due to their efforts the department has developed now, these names include: Dr. P.G. Sakhare, Dr. P. V. Gangakhedkar, Dr. S.K. Auradkar and Dr. M.F. Siddiqui . P.G. students are studying various draught ability traits in Red Kanndhari cattles.
- The major achievement of dept is getting recognition for Red Khandari breed.
- Total 50 students have completed P.G. in LPM
- Conservation & preservation of pure germ plasm of Red Kandhari cattle
- Conservation & preservation of Pure germ plasm of Marathwadi buffalo
- Conservation & preservation of Pure germ plasm of Osmanabadi goat
- Providing natural service of R.K. breeding bull in surrounding areas
- Development of grasslands of various perennial grasses for fodder production
Completed Projects
Buffalo Development scheme funded by RKVY
Grassland Development scheme funded by RKVY
Future research and teaching planning
- Conservation & preservation of Red Kandhari breed of cattle.
- Conservation & preservation of Marathwadi breed of buffalo.
- Conservation & preservation of Osmanabadi breed of goat.
- Cost effective housing in cattle, buffaloes, and goat in Marathwada region.
- Cost effective feeding management in Red Kandhari cattle, Marathwadi buffaloes & Osmanabadi goats
Casting Practical
Educational Tour
Working in ILFC
Casting Practical

Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor