- Celebration of World Veterinary Day and Organization of Group Discussion and Poster Exhibition competition on 23/04/2017 at COVAS, Parbhani.
- Staff members of TVCC participated in Valedictory Programme and Technical Seminar on 26/07/2017 at COVAS, Parbhani.
- Organization of Free Rabies Vaccination camp and dog show on 28/09/2017 at COVAS, Parbhani.
- Celebration of World Veterinary Day and Organization of Group Discussion and Poster Exhibition competition on 30/04/2016 at COVAS, Parbhani.
- Staff members of TVCC participated in Valedictory Programme and Technical Seminar on 23/07/2016 at COVAS, Parbhani.
- Organization of Free Rabies Vaccination camp on 28/09/2017 at COVAS, Parbhani.
- Staff members of TVCC participated in Valedictory Programme and Technical Seminar on 27/07/2015 at COVAS, Parbhani.
- Organization of One day Dog Owners Orientation Programme for Dog Owners Programme on 23/09/2015 at COVAS, Parbhani.
- Organization of Free Rabies Vaccination camp on 28/09/2015 at COVAS, Parbhani.
Facilities available
- Large animal OPD
- Small animal OPD
- In Patient Ward
- Disease diagnosis laboratory
- Ultrasonography
- X – ray
- Artificial Insemination
- Conference Hall
- Client (Animal Owner’s) House
Services offered
- Teaching and demonstrating clinical cases to the undergraduate students and post graduate students.
- Offering clinical services in the form of diagnosis & expert treatment to the ailing animals in clinics.
- Guiding and advising to the field veterinarians as referral centre.
- Participation in work campaigns and natural calamities.
- Ambulatory clinic services.
Future plans
- Establishment of separate Small Animal Ward
- Well established veterinary laboratory for diagnosis of diseases in TVCC
- Establishment of Laparoscopic surgical unit
- Publication of leaflets for animal owners regarding awareness and prevention of various diseases.