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पशुवैद्यक व पशुविज्ञान  महाविद्यालय, परभणी परिसरातील उपहारगृह कंत्राटी तत्वावर  चालविण्याकरिता निविदा – Click Here

Filling of Temporary post of Young Professional I and Skilled Person (RGSTC Mumbai Project) 13/02/2025 (09.00 am) COVAS Parbhani. Click Here

Quotation Calling for Estimation of Antioxidant Parameters in Broiler – Click Here

चिंचेच्या झाडावरील फळांच्या लिलावासाठी निवेदिका – Click here

Quotation Call notice Laptop- Click here

Tender Notice COVAS, Parbhani – Click Here

Quotation Supply of four weeks old backyard poultry birds. Click Here

Quotation Calling – Office Furniture. Click Here

Quotation for purchase of medicines fro VCC Click Here  

Quatotions for purchase of the Automatic Duplex Laser Printer for Lover Education Section Click Here

Supply of Printed Answer books and supplements in Examination Cell, COVAS, Parbhani Click Here

Quotation for supply of Cow model- type 4 for MAITRI Training  Click Here  

Quotation for Aluminium Sliding Window, Display Board, Sunmica, Sliding Glass, Lock etcClick Here  

Quotation for supply of Tea & Breakfast for MAITRI trainees for 30 days at COVAS, Parbhani Click Here 

Quotation for supply of Lunch and Dinner for MAITRI trainees for 30 days at COVAS, ParbhaniClick Here

Quotation of Apron with print logo for Pashusakhi training under MAFSU-MAVIM Collaborative Project – Click Here

Quotation of breakfast, lunch, dinner and tea for Pashusakhi training under MAFSU-MAVIM Collaborative Project – Click Here

Quotation of Training Kit for Pashusakhi training under MAFSU-MAVIM Collaborative Project – Click Here

Quotation for Black & White page printing – Click Here

Quotation Calling for Estimation of Antioxidant Parameters in Broiler – Click Here

Quotation Call notice Laptop- Click here

About COVAS Parbhani

College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Parbhani has come into existence on 18th may 1972 under Marathwada Agricultural University. At the very first year of its inception the college started to offer 4 year B.V.Sc. and A.H. degree program, later it was extended to 4.5 years. From 1976 the College has started to offer post-graduate education, which took a full-fledged shape in the year of 1979-80.

H o n ' b l e V i c e - C h a n c e l l o r

Dr. Niteen Patil has taken over the charge of Vice-Chancellor of Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University on 10th August 2023. He is adjudged as world’s significant Camel researcher—one amongst 20 world scientists and led to NRC Camel to be 4th best Institute working on camel research. He is a graduate of Nagpur Veterinary College and did his master’s from PGI, Akola and doctorate in Animal Nutrition from National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal.

Associate Dean

Dr. S.R. Rajurkar 

With his 26 years of experience in academics in Pharmacology and Toxicology, I have done research in the field of herbal medicines. Using medicinal plants in treating animal diseases is my main area of research.

The Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University (MAFSU) was formally notified on November 17th, 2000 and was established under the State Act No. 1998 (MAH.XVII of 1998) on December 03rd, 2000 with its headquarter at Nagpur.

The Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex was inaugurated by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra Shri. Vasantdada Patil on Friday 19th May 1978.

August 1980, Red Kandhari Research Scheme was sanctioned by the state Government of Maharashtra for research and education, consequently 82 cows along with 2 breeding bulls were added for selective breeding in 1982.

The COVAS Campus Experience

COVAS Parbhani has a well organized Livestock Research, Demonstration and Training Centre consisting of Livestock and Agriculture farms with adequate irrigation facilities. The farmers regularly visit the college farm for getting information on scientific animal husbandry practices. The farm produce and milk is being sold to the faculty members and students. The college farms are utilized well for teaching, research and entrepreneurial training of students.

Reaching College: 

  1. Walking from Parbhani Railway station ( Click Here
  2.  Reaching College with four wheeler vehicle – Click here

Institutional Working Days : Monday to Friday