Livestock Products Technology
The department of Dairy Science which was functioning as an independent department since the establishment of Veterinary Faculty has been redesignated as Livestock Products Technology in the year 2002. This department is actively engaged in teaching different courses under semester system at undergraduate level. With the implementation of VCI programme at undergraduate level form the academic year 1995-96.
In addition to undergraduate, full-fledged postgraduate programme leading to M.V.Sc. (Dairy Science) was started in the year 1984. Every year three students are admitted for M.V.Sc. So far 63 students has completed their M.V.Sc. degree and another three students are on the verge of their completion. 01 student have completed his Ph.D in 2007 (By research In-service). Along with major courses the department also offers minor courses to the students from other disciplines as per their M.V.Sc. programme.

Assistant professor
Assistant professor
M.V.Sc., NET
Assistant professor
- Awarded “Dr. B.V. Rao Research Grants 2008” to Dr S. N. Rindhe for completion of M.V.Sc. research during the year 2007-08.
- Best research paper award “(1st prize) to Dr. S. N. Rindhe during XVI Annual Conference of Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary research (IAAVR), held at Mumbai on 20 & 21st Feb, 2009.
- Awarded “Dr. B.V. Rao Research Grants 2009” to Dr Subhash Kumar for completion of M.V.Sc. research during the year 2008-09.
- Awarded “Dr. B.V. Rao Research Grants 2010” to Dr A.P.Tidke for completion of M.V.Sc. research during the year 2009-10.
- Best research paper award (1st prize) to Dr. J. N. Swami during XVI I Annual Conference of Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary research (IAAVR), held at Jabalpur on 11 & 12th Mar., 2010.
- Awarded “Bharatratna Dr Radhakrishnan Gold Medal Award” to Dr S. V. Londhe for his excellence in respective field on the occasion of 46th National Unity Conference on 5th Sept. 2017, at Chennai.
- Awarded “Young Scientist Award to Dr S.N. Rindhe in International Conference on Recent Trends in Agriculture, Environmental and Bioscience -2017 (ICAEBS), 27-29 April, 2017, Chandigarh
Future Plans
- Teaching: Development of departmental library
- Presentation of video-clips during practical
- Research: Transfer of technology from Lab. to society/halwai’s/Women SHG
- Collaboration with industry and external funding agencies for undertaking research projects
- Extension : Development of training and demonstration Laboratory.
- Organization of trainings for women SHG, halwai’s etc. ¬ Extension of consultancy services by the faculty members for the benefit of the industrialists and entrepreneurs to solve technical problems faced by them.