- Celebration of World Veterinary Day and Organization of Group Discussion and Poster Exhibition competition on 23/04/2017 at COVAS, Parbhani.
- Staff members of TVCC participated in Valedictory Programme and Technical Seminar on 26/07/2017 at COVAS, Parbhani.
- Organization of Free Rabies Vaccination camp and dog show on 28/09/2017 at COVAS, Parbhani.
- Celebration of World Veterinary Day and Organization of Group Discussion and Poster Exhibition competition on 30/04/2016 at COVAS, Parbhani.
- Staff members of TVCC participated in Valedictory Programme and Technical Seminar on 23/07/2016 at COVAS, Parbhani.
- Organization of Free Rabies Vaccination camp on 28/09/2017 at COVAS, Parbhani.
- Staff members of TVCC participated in Valedictory Programme and Technical Seminar on 27/07/2015 at COVAS, Parbhani.
- Organization of One day Dog Owners Orientation Programme for Dog Owners Programme on 23/09/2015 at COVAS, Parbhani.
- Organization of Free Rabies Vaccination camp on 28/09/2015 at COVAS, Parbhani.
Facilities available
- Large animal OPD
- Small animal OPD
- In Patient Ward
- Disease diagnosis laboratory
- Ultrasonography
- X – ray
- Artificial Insemination
- Conference Hall
- Client (Animal Owner’s) House
Services offered
- Teaching and demonstrating clinical cases to the undergraduate students and post graduate students.
- Offering clinical services in the form of diagnosis & expert treatment to the ailing animals in clinics.
- Guiding and advising to the field veterinarians as referral centre.
- Participation in work campaigns and natural calamities.
- Ambulatory clinic services.
Future plans
- Establishment of separate Small Animal Ward
- Well established veterinary laboratory for diagnosis of diseases in TVCC
- Establishment of Laparoscopic surgical unit
- Publication of leaflets for animal owners regarding awareness and prevention of various diseases.
Dr. Syed Abdul Mujeeb
M. V. Sc., Net (VMD)
Hospital Registrar (Medicine)

Dr. Mane Prashant Madhavrao
M. V. Sc., Net (ARGO)
Hospital Registrar (ARGO)