Veterinary Anatomy Education for farmers and students Cell was established under Department of Veterinary Anatomy for pursuing the knowledge of Normal body structure of farm animals and pet animals in the year 2013 to carry out research and to impart education in veterinary Anatomy. Three students have completed their M.V.Sc. degree programme and Four in service Ph.D. students in veterinary Anatomy (research work going on). A separate laboratory with precious equipments has been established.
- Separation of Different bones with species
- Establishment of Gross Anatomy and Histology Laboratories.
- Worked on Ultra structure of oviduct of Japanese quail
- Prepared The Museum and plastinate specimen.
- Developed the Gross anatomy, (Osteology, Arthrology, Angiology, Neurology Aesthesiaology Embryology laboratory)
- Developed the Teaching Aids audio visual aids
Open source softwares for e- learning are available with the Department.
Ongoing activities
- DBT STAR COLLEGE scheme component funded by Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi for UG students
- M.V.Sc. 2 students completed
- Ph.D. research work of 4 in-service students
The Veterinary Anatomy & Histology is basic subject of Veterinary Profession. It includes gross anatomical studies on bony frame work, placement / location of viscera / organs of various body systems in the cadaver of domestic/ wild animals & birds. The embryiological study includes the development of embryo till the birth of newborn. The microscopic structure of various body organs is included in the histology. The department contributes its basic knowledge for the research in Veterinary pathology, Veterinary surgery & radiology, etc. The technical guidance is provided to the field Veterinarians by department.
Services provided
1. Farmers /Student and trainee visit
2. Differentiation of bones
Future Plans
- Development of Advanced teaching modular laboratory
- Advance e learning process
- Impart the knowledge of Veterinary Anatomy and Histology to farmers and field veterinarians
Dr. C. S. Mamde
M. V. Sc. & Ph.D
Associate Professor
Experience: 20 years
Research papers: 30

Dr. N. M Karad
M. V. Sc. & Ph.D(ongoing)
Assistant Professor
Experience: 10 years
Research papers: 10