Veterinary Medicine
(recent updates)
The Department of Veterinary Medicine came into existence with the inception of College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Parbhani on 18th May 1972. The department is actively engaged in providing clinical services, animal health coverage, therapeutics and prophylaxis to large and small animals.
Being one of the oldest Clinical Department, produced so far Ninety Four (94) postgraduate (M.V.Sc.) and two (2) Ph.D. candidates since 1978, covering various aspects of Veterinary clinical and preventive Medicine. The pioneer research work on Metabolic diseases, Snake bite, Caprine anaemia, Bovine and Caprine Mastitis, Peste des Petits ruminants (PPR) prophylaxis , Herbal antistress therapy in broiler chickens, colostrum therapy in canine Parvoviral enteritis, Lactoacidosis in goats, Bovine Ephemeral Fever (BEF), Anagallis arvensis toxicity in cattle, Alkaline indigestion in cattle, Preventive strategies against gastro-intestinal parasitism in goats, prophylactic studies on mastitis in cows, Trypanosomosis in donkeys, helminthosis in donkeys etc. timely addressing regional problems are the significant achievements of the Department.
The ICAR funded research projects viz; Haemoglobinuria in buffaloes and “Emeritus Scientist” project on bovine ketosis were the landmarks of the department. Apart from ICAR research projects, the department has also undertaken several agency sponsored research projects including National Innovation Foundation (NIF), Ahmedabad sponsored projects. The department is actively engaged in Teaching, Research and Extension activities
- Number of postgraduate students-94
- Timely research on regional animal diseases / burning field problems
- ICAR sponsored, Emeritus scientist and agency sponsored projects
- Dr. S.U. Digraskar was Invited as an academician by Missouri veterinary Medical Board- Nestle Purina pet care company St. Louis , U.S.A for international conference.
- Dr. S.U. Digraskar was nominated as an expert in large animal medicine to the Govt of Mauritius by Marathwada Agriculture university vide letter no CCP-21/433 dated 18/03/2000
- Dr .S.U .Digraskar visited USA and U.K (Royal Veterinary College, London) and The Queens Veterinary School Cambridge in 2003 under continual educational program sponsored by Missouri university of Science and Technology, MO, U.S.A
(See Here)
Facilities available
- Well equipped UG and PG laboratory
- Research facilities for conducting research on various aspects of Clinical and Preventive Medicine
- Facilities for research on ruminal disorders in Bovine and Caprine Species.
- Facilities for research on Bovine and Caprine Mastitis
- Referral unit for large animal Medicine
Services provided
- Health services and health coverage to large and small animals, pets, birds, pigs etc. through TVCC, Ambulatory, Rural visit and health camps.
- Therapeutics and health coverage to ILFC, COVAS, Parbhani, different livestock units of VNMAU, Parbhani and different units of Animal husbandry department.
- Technical consultancy and health coverage of Siddharth Zoo, Aurangabad.
- Therapeutics and health coverage of various dog units of police and railway departments of Marathwada region.
- Therapeutics and health coverage to Deshi cow population of Goshalas of Marathwada region/Maharashtra State.
- Diagnostic facilities of Mastitis in dairy animals.
- Attending outbreaks of various infectious and non-infectious diseases animals in Marathwada region.
- Technical consultancy to farmers, livestock owners, dairymen, piggery unit etc.
- Technical consultancy to LSS, LDO and Animal Husbandry dept. employees.
M.V.Sc., Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor
Dr. M. P. Sakhare
M.V.Sc., Ph.D., NET
Assistant Professor,
Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
Dr. Siddiqui Md Ferozoddin Md Fasihuddin
M.V.Sc., Ph.D., MBA
Assistant Professor
Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Ethics and Jurisprudence
Future Plans
- Advanced research on Bovine Ruminology
- Validation of Non antibiotic therapeutic regimen in CPV enteritis
- Validation of Herbal therapy in dermal affections of bovines
- Herbal medicine against Bovine Ephemeral fever
- Diagnostics and prophylaxis in Bovine Mastitis
- Epidemiological analysis of infectious diseases large ruminants in Marathwada region.
- Epidemiological analysis of Non- infectious diseases of Marathwada region.
- Bovine Neonatology
- Publications of the department can be accessed here.
- List of M.V.Sc. and Ph. D candidates here.
Extension Activities
- Animal health coverage in rural areas, adopted and other villages of Parbhani district.
- Participation in animal health camps, farmer’s rallies, animal exhibition, livestock improvement programme (Under ASCAD), Bird Flue(Avian Influenza) training programme to Animal Husbandry Employees, etc.
- Participation in animal check up and treatment under N.S.S. Camp.
- Demonstration of acaracide spray, preliminary diagnosis of mastitis at farmers door.
- Veterinary services in rural and flood affected areas.
- Regular publication and technical articles.
- Participation in AIR and T.V. channels.
- Technical consultancy to field veterinarians, liason with Animal Husbandry dept. for mass treatment and vaccination programme in outbreaks.
- Participation in Anti-rabies Campaign in dogs