Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
The Department of Surgery was established in the year 1976, in the college and having only 44 years of existence. Previously, this department and clinics were located in old building. The department was then shifted in new block of polyclinic in the year 1978. The establishment of this department started with joining of Dr. A.P. Bhokre, as Assistant Professor in 1976. Later on Dr. V. S. Panchbhai and Dr. L. B. Sarkate joined in 1980. The post-graduate programme was started in 1981. Dr.S. M. Usturge joined in 1983, Dr. V. D. Aher joined in 1991 and Dr. V. M. Salunke Joined in 2002.
- Basic biology of more than 25 parasites of livestock particularly bar and veil structure of Theileria is important landmark noted at global level
- Squash preparation smears of brain for diagnosis of Babesia bovis in cow calves
- Onchocerca spp. parasites of livestock
- Epidemiology of helminthic diseases in Marathwada region of Maharashtra 5.
- Bio-ecological of Culicoides spp. of haematophagous midges in Marathwada region of Maharashtra 6
- First time Research on IPM of livestock pests were undertaken in India with financial support from DBT, New Delhi. First time IPM module for Culicoides spp and Rhipicephalus microplus were recommended. 7.
- First time research on Fly proof Net Shed with Hurricane ventilator as a physical barrier against livestock pests were undertaken and recommended 8.
- Developed three bacterial pesticides against larvae of Culicoides spp and egg and adult stage of Rhipicephalus microplus tick 9.
- The use of fungal pesticides (Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana ) and herbal pesticides (Neem and Karanj oil) against Culicoides spp and Rhipicephalus microplus ticks were extensively evaluated at lab as well as field level and were recommended. 10.
- Population dynamics and vector species of dipteran flies from Maharashtra were reported.
- Culicoides spp, Phlebotomus spp, Simulium spp, Tabanus rufofrater, Pangonia spp, Haematopota spp, along with Rhipicephalus microplus ticks were identified on the morphological basis and Molecular identification was reported from Maharashtra
- First time Bar coding of pests like Culicoides spp, Phlebotomus spp, Simulium spp, Tabanus rufofrater, Pangonia spp, Haematopota spp, along with Rhipicephalus microplus ticks were done at National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects (NBAII) Bangalore
- The laboratory is well equipped for entomological work
- Estimation of Projected economic losses from pests of livestock
- This department is rich in the fauna of parasites of veterinary importance and a glorious museum containing more than 200 parasites is a unique in nature. Museum is named after the great scientist Dr. U. V. Shastri.
- Dr. V. S. Panchbhai of this department was awarded Dr. S.J. Angelo Memorial Prize for best clinical article entitled “Lamellar corneal transplantation in buffaloes (Autogenous and Homogenous grafts)-I which appeared in IVJ (63) : 737-40 in 1986.
- Dr. L. B. Sarkate was awarded “Young Scientist award” for presentation of paper on bone grafting in the National Congress on Surgery and Radiology in 1989. The award was instituted by Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery.
- Dr. S. M. Usturge and Dr. A.P. Bhokre were jointly awarded Dr. S./J. Angelo Memorial prize for best clinical article entitled “Repair of diaphragmatic hernia under sedation and local analgesia which appeared in IVJ 66(10) : 967-70 in 1989.
- Dr. A. P. Bhokre was awarded Travel Fellowship by International Association of Radiology to participate and present the paper entitled “Reticulography in Cattle and Buffalo- A Retrospective study” in the Radiology Congress held at Netherland in August 1991.
- The department of surgery organized 16th congress of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery and National Symposium on “Recent advances in the management of surgical disorders of Dr. A. P. Bhokare as organizing Secretary from 20-22 January, 1993. The symposium was attended by 125 delegates throughout country and was a grand success.
- Dr. V. M. Salunke awarded young surgeons award in 26th congress of ISVS held at Bombay veterinary college in 2002.
- Dr. V. D. Aher awarded for the best article published in Intas Polivet Vol. 6 (2005) under category “Clinical articles – Patellar desmotomy in standing position, an easy approach”. Dr. V. D. Aher awarded for the best article published in Intas Polivet Vol. 8 (2007) No. I under category “Clinical articles – Immunotherapy and Surgical Treatment of Eye Cancer in Bovine”.
- Dr. V. D. Aher received appreciation award for Best Paper Presentation entitled “Newer concepts in farm animal reconstructive surgery in augmenting health production and economy” in Food Animal Surgery Session of XXXII Annual congress of ISVS and National Symposium held at Veterinary College and Research Institute Namakkal (Tamilnadu) w.e.f. 6th to 8th Nov., 2008
- Dr. V. D. Aher received Appreciation Award for best paper presentation on “Newer concepts in farm animal reconstruction surgery in augmenting health production and rural economy” in National Symposium and XXXIIIth Convention of ISVS (11-13 Nov., 2009) held at Guru Angand Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana (Punjab).
- Received 3rd award for the best clinical case presentation on “Surgical Management of Recurrent Rectal Prolapse in a Buffalo” in “2nd Farm Animal Clinical Case Management Competition 2010” (9-10 August) held at Madras Veterinary College, Chennai.
- Appreciation certificate from Associate Dean with the hands of State Minister for Agriculture Shri. Sureshrao Warpudkar and District Collector Shri. Mohan Thombare for Best Organization of Dog show in COVAS, Parbhani in the year 2010.
- Certificate for Best student clinical case presentation award for clinical case entitled “A rare case of oesophageal obstruction in goat and its surgical management” presented at the TANUVAS- 6th Clinical Case conference for next generation veterinarians to face challenges in clinical practice organized by TANUVAS held at Madras Veterinary College, Chennai during 3rd – 4th July, 2014.
- Dr. V. D. Aher received prestigious “Pashuvaidyak Bhushan (Pride of Veterinarian) Award -2017” from Anna Bhau Sathe vichar prerna mahotsav Samiti, Parbhani Maharashtra.
- Dr. Pradip R Balage bagged first prize at clinical case conference held at IVRI Pune on 25th may 2017
- . Dr. Pradip R Balage Received Gold medal and Rs 5000 cash prize with Rs 3000 fellowship for next 12 months from Hon. Vice-Chancellor , MPKV Dr. K.P. Vishwanatha at 12th Maharashtra state level Avishkar – 2017 held at MPKV Rahuri from 15th to 17th jan 2018 .
- Dr. V. D. Aher received prestigious “The Best Citizens of India Award-2018” from India International Publishing House, New Delhi.
Completed projects
S.No. |
Title Of Project |
Name Of PI |
(Rs) |
Funding Agency |
Duration |
Achiecements |
1 | “Studies on Cataract in bovines” | Dr. V. S. Panchbhai | 878240/- | ICAR Ad-hoc | 24/7/95-27/7/98 | 1.Induction of cataract with calcium borogluconate, hypertonic glucose solution and by making trauma to capsule and lens was standardized. 2) Normal physiological parameters in blood and aqueous humor were studied. 3) Treatment in cataract by intracapsular lens extraction method was done. |
Ongoing Projects
S. No. |
Title |
Name Of PI |
Amount(Rs) |
Funding Agency |
Duration |
1 | Strengthening and modernization of teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex and establishment of training center at College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Parbhani. | Dr. V D. Aher Dr.R. V. Raulkar | 459.45 | RKVY | 2017-19 |
Facilities available
- Large Animal X ray.
- Ultra sonography.
- Large animal operation theatre.
- Small animal operation theatre.
Services offered
- Teaching and demonstration of clinical, cases to the undergraduate and post graduate students.
- Offering clinical services in the form of diagnosis and expert treatment to the ailing animals in clinics.
- Participation in work campaigns and natural calamities
Dr. Sharad Chepte
M. V. Sc. Ph.D.,

Dr. Irawati Poleshwar Sarode
M. V.Sc. ,Ph.D.