Department of Animal Nutrition, COVAS, Parbhani started functioning with the inception of College, in the year-1972. The department offers various courses in the discipline of Animal Nutrition to B.V, Sc. & A.H. students and post graduate programme leading to the award of M.V.Sc. & PhD degree in the subject of Animal Nutrition.
Post-graduate (M.V.Sc.) courses started from 1979. Till date 85 MVSc and 02 PhD students have completed their degree programme successfully.
Following are the achievements of the Department.
- Department of Animal Nutrition has successfully imparted teaching (UG, PG and Phd), research and extension programs since year 1972 • Almost cent percent post graduates from this department are well-placed in various private and government firm and earning laurels for veterinary fraternity
- Department is instrumental in providing facility of analysis of feed samples of government and private farmers and revenue generated through this improves the receipt of the COVAS, Parbhani
Feed Analysis Laboratory: –
In this laboratory following Proximate Principles are analyzed from the livestock feed as the quality control measure and for easing the feed formulations.
- Estimation of Moisture and Dry Matter
- Estimation of Protein
- Estimation of Fat
- Estimation of Fibre
- Estimation of Total Ash/Mineral matter
- Estimation of Nitrogen free extract
- Estimation of Calcium
- Estimation of Phosphorus
- Estimation of Acid Insoluble Ash
Facilities available
- Bomb calorimeter
- Analytical balances
- Muffle furnace
- Hot air oven
- Kjeldhal digestion and distillation apparatus
- Soxhlet ether extraction apparatus
- Double glass distillation apparatus
- Laboratory grinding mill
- Hot plates
- Digital pH meter
- Water bath
Dr. Suneet Wankhede,
I/c Professor

Dr. V.K. Mundhe
M.V.Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Future Plans
- TEACHING: Interactive teaching Through A.V. aids
- Seminars and group discussions
- Personality development E-learning & Animations
- PG teaching Through practical demo
- RESEARCH Complete balanced ration – crop residues.
- Interdisciplinary approach for planning studying & solving the problems of animal nutrition.
- Plannng of need based research projects. (Build up Institute- industry linkage.)
- Establishment of “Reproductive nutrition” wing.
- Nutritional evaluation of home made veg. food for dog.
- Central Feed & food analysis laboratory.
- To map mineral deficiency in livestock of adopted villages and create a database for MAFSU for development of specific mineral supplement.
- EXTENSION Preparation of leaflets / charts / video clips & technical guidance for farmers.
- Campaigning “Blood to Milk” concept .
- “Institute – village linked programme” local SHG , native livestock owners. Fodder bank.
- Establishment of Technology demonstration centre.
- “Lab-to-land” concept :-Popularization of technique to improve nutritive value of poor quality fodder & crop residue by urea through field demonstration.