The library collection comprises of Text Books , Reference Books , Newspapers, Bound Back Volumes of Journals and Periodicals, Conference Proceedings , Annual Reports, Audio- Visual Aids, CD’s, etc.
Library and Information Center is the most important component of the education system, without which the aims and objectives of the parent organization can not be achieved. Library college of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Parbhani promotes the education ,research ,teaching and extension activity of the college .The library is developing steadily and is functioning to cater to the literature needs of the undergraduate ,postgraduate ,Ph.D. students, and the staff of college of veterinary and animal sciences parbhani. The students appearing for ICAR Fellowship and other competitive examination are greatly benefited by the services of the college library.
The library collection comprises of Text Books , Reference Books , Newspapers, Bound Back Volumes of Journals and Periodicals, Conference Proceedings , Annual Reports, Audio- Visual Aids, CD’s, etc. The Documentary collection of the Library pertains to the subjects under study and teaching of the college. The Library has developed its collection in the subjects Veterinary Biochemistry , Veterinary Medicine , Veterinary Microbiology, Veterinary Physiology , Veterinary Parasitology , Veterinary Pharmacology, Animal Nutrition , Veterinary Pathology, Veterinary Gynecology, Livestock Product Technology, Livestock Production and Management, Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Animal Biotechnology , Veterinary Anatomy, Veterinary Extension, Animal Genetics and Breeding, Poultry Production, Veterinary Public health etc.
SOCIAL WELFARE SCHEME FOR (BC) STUDENTS:- Total 1639 books are available in the Social Welfare book bank scheme for BC students. Eligible students may apply for Social Welfare books as per the schedule announced by the library.
BOOK LENDING SERVICE:-The Books can be consulted within the library and can also be issued to the readers for home lending.
COMPUTER AND INTERNET SERVICE:– Broadband internet facility with twenty (20) computers is available to the readers for collection of references and information related to their research topics . This facility is also useful to the students for getting the information related to their academic curricula and general knowledge. Connectivity of online CeRA journals, Vet Med Resource database & selected CD Rom Database is available in library. For printing and scanning the articles one Dot matrix, two laser printers and scanner etc. are available in the library.
REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES:- Two (02) SHARP digital Xerox machines has been installed in library for Xeroxing facility to the students and staff of this college. Official Work is done free of cost & Rs. 1.00 per page charged for personal Xerox work.
Following two CDs are supplied by University Library MAFSU, Nagpur in 2004
VET CD : 1989-2001/08 CABIA Publishing
BEAST CD :- 2000/06-2001/11 CABIA Publishing Post graduate students, researchers and staff are using these CDs for their reference collection
CeRA ONLINE JOURNALS :- This premier e-resources are available to our library and provides online access to 2800+ National and International scholarly journals from most renowned global publishers in agricultural sciences.
Vet Med Resource :- Now library users of COVAS, Parbhani able to Access news articles, book chapters and disease datasheets etc. through connectivity of Vet Med Resource database.
Library is having well spaced reading hall facility for one hundred fifty students capacity. The reading hall facility is available from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm . regularly. During Examination period library reading facility extended up to 11: P.M. Inverter is provided in library which some time is only source of light in campus.
- Full- fledged reading facility with the all essential books for under-graduate and post- graduate/ Ph.D. degree programs.
- Well ventilated specious reading room facility.
- Free Broad –band Internet facility for all the students.
- Printing , scanning, downloading and CD writing facility.
- Online CeRA consortium Journals , Vet Med resource Database & of line CD ROM database is available on all the computers in digital library.
- Social Welfare Book Bank Scheme for all B.C. Students.
- Daily newspapers and magazines for updated knowledge in a separate section.
- Employment and competitive examinations oriented magazines for reading.
- Marathi literature books available for cultural development.
- Inverter back up for uninterrupted power supply.
M.Sc. ( Agri ) M . Lib.
& I. Sc.